Our target audience is those who strive for self-development and who constantly want to learn something new. Most often, we come to us people who can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group has clearly decided that they want to go into journalism and ask questions about where to apply and what they need to know. Some of them have a clear idea of where they would like to work in the end. The second group of people are those who have always been attracted to journalism, but didn’t know where to start. Many of them aren’t even going to do an internship – they just need to learn as much as they can about the profession, gain useful skills; and only then do they decide whether to change their line of work.
Our training program is ideal for both the first group and the second. Practical tasks are included in the course, but we do not overload our students. For those who want to prove themselves to the fullest, we have an opportunity to do an internship with further employment. Internship is free, and in some cases – paid by the employer. The training itself is quite easy and fun. We dilute the standard set of classes with meetings with guests. Such meetings are always a very bright and emotional experience.